Welcome to CSCC69

Tutorial 0003: Friday, 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM, at HW 308.

Office hours: Thursday, 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM, at IC 400A.

TA name: Prantar Bhowmik

I will update this website on a weekly basis. All code written in class will be made available here.

Email Policy

My email address is prantar.bhowmik@mail.utoronto.ca. I will be checking my email every night. But before you email me, consider posting the question on quercus discussion board as you will get a much faster response there.

If you email me, use your utoronto email, any other email address will go directly to spam.

Also, in the subject write "CSCC69" to increase my chances of responding.


I always like to know how you feel about my teaching style. Feel free to leave anonymous feedback here

Personal Notes

Week 11: April 5, 2019

  • Take up Assignment 3 questions

Week 10: March 29, 2019

  • Take up Assignment 3 questions

Week 9: March 22, 2019

  • Take up Assignment 3 questions
  • Continue with last weeks tasks

Week 8: March 15, 2019

Week 7: March 8, 2019

  • Go over Assignment 1

Week 6: March 1, 2019

Week 5: February 15, 2019

Week 4: February 8, 2019

Week 3: February 1, 2019

Week 2: January 25, 2019

Week 1: January 18, 2019