class Day(): '''A calendar day and its events.''' def __init__(self, day=1, month='January', year=2012): ''' (Day, int, str, int) -> NoneType Initialize this calendar day. ''' self._day = day self._month = month self._year = year self._events = [] def __str__(self): ''' (Day) -> str Return a string representation of this day. ''' result = str(self._year)+ "," + self._month +","+str(self._day) result += "\n" #Now that we've added __lt__ to Event, we can sort the list for event in self._events: result += str(event) result +="\n" return result def schedule(self, new_event): ''' (Day, Event) -> bool Schedule event e if it does not overlap with any other events scheduled for this day. Return whether e was scheduled. ''' for event in self._events: if(event.overlaps(new_event)): return False #If we've reached this point, we know that new_event #doesn't overlap with anything else we have scheduled self._events.append(new_event) return True class Event(): '''A new calendar event.''' # This method is a constructor and it overrides the default # version of __init__. It is called automatically any time # we create a new Event object and initializes the object. def __init__(self, start, end, title): ''' (Event, number, number, str) -> NoneType Initialize a new Event that starts at start, ends at end and is named title. REQ: 0 <= start < 24 REQ: 0 <= end < 24 REQ: start <= end ''' self._start_time = start self._end_time = end self._name = title def rename(self, new_name): ''' (Event, str) -> NoneType Change name of this event to new_name. ''' self._name = new_name def get_duration(self): ''' (Event) -> number Return the duration of this event. ''' return self._end_time - self._start_time def __str__(self): '''(event) -> str Return the print string for this event ''' return ("Event:" + str(self._name) + ": Starts at: "+ str(self._start_time) + " Ends at: " + str(self._end_time)) def overlaps(self, other): ''' (Event, Event) -> bool Return True iff this event overlaps with event other. ''' return not (other._end_time <= self._start_time or other._start_time >= self._end_time) def __lt__(self,other): '''(Event,Event) -> bool Return True iff this event ends before the other event starts ''' return self._start_time < other._start_time def __eq__(self,other): '''(Event,Event) -> bool Return True iff other event is at the same time as this event ''' return ((other._start_time == self._start_time) and (other._end_time == self._end_time)) if(__name__ == "__main__"): my_event = Event(9,15,"My Test Event") print(my_event) a08_morning = Event(9,11,"CSCA08 LEC002") a08_afternoon = Event(13,15,"CSCA08 LEC001") a08_evening = Event(19,21,"CSCA08 LEC030") today = Day(21,"November",2012) today.schedule(a08_morning) today.schedule(a08_afternoon) today.schedule(a08_evening) office_hours = Event(15,17,"Office Hours") today.schedule(office_hours)