class DLLNode(object): """A Node in a doubly-linked list""" def __init__(self, data, prev_link=None, next_link=None): '''(DLLNode, object, DLLNode, DLLNode) -> NoneType Create a new DLLNode containing object, with previous node prev_link, and next node next_link. ''' # Representation invariant: # data is an object # prev_link is a DLLNode # next_link is a DLLNode # data is the item held in this node # prev_link is the node immediately before (closer # to the head of the list than) this node # next_link is the node immediately after (closer # to the tail of the list than) this node = data self.prev_link = prev_link self.next_link = next_link def __str__(self): '''(DLLNode) -> str Return a str representation of this DLLNode. ''' return str( class DoublyLinkedList(object): """A doubly linked list""" def __init__(self): '''(DoublyLinkedList) -> NoneType Create a new empty DoublyLinkedList ''' # Representation invariant: # _head is a DLLNode # _tail is a DLLNode # if the list is empty: # _head = _tail = None # if the list is non-empty: # _head is the first node in the list # _tail is the last node in the list # if nodeA and nodeB are both nodes in this list and nodeA is # before (closer to the head than) nodeB: # nodeA.next_link[.next_link]* = nodeB # ([.next_link]* = 0 or more repetitions of .next_link) # nodeB.prev_link[.prev_link]* = nodeA self._head = DLLNode(None) self._tail = DLLNode(None) self._head.next_link = self._tail self._tail.prev_link = self._head def __str__(self): '''(DoublyLinkedList) -> str Return a str representation of the contents of this DoublyLinkedList. ''' # current location in the list curr = self._head answer = "head = " # loop till the list ends while (curr != self._tail.next_link): answer += str( + " -> " # move to the next node curr = curr.next_link # formatting answer = answer[:-4] answer += " = tail" return answer def add_head(self, add_obj): '''(DoublyLinkedList, object) -> NoneType Add add_obj to the head of this DoublyLinkedList. ''' # if self does not hold a value. Give the head the value if ( is None): = add_obj # if head has value else: # create new node node = DLLNode(add_obj) # set the connections of the list to set head self._head.prev_link = node node.next_link = self._head # the new node is head of the list self._head = node def add_tail(self, add_obj): '''(DoublyLinkedList, object) -> NoneType Add add_obj to the tail of this DoublyLinkedList. ''' # if tail has no value, set the value if ( is None): = add_obj # if tail has a value else: # create a new node node = DLLNode(add_obj) # set the connections to make the new node the tail self._tail.next_link = node node.prev_link = self._tail # set tail as the node self._tail = node def add_index(self, add_obj, add_index): '''(DoublyLinkedList, object, int) -> NoneType Add add_obj to this DoublyLinkedList at index add_index. ''' # create the node to be placed in the list node = DLLNode(add_obj) # current position in the list curr = self._head # loops through the list to find the location to be added for i in range(add_index-1): curr = curr.next_link # get the next node n_curr = curr.next_link # point to the new node from the left curr.next_link = node node.prev_link = curr # point to the new node from the right n_curr.prev_link = node node.next_link = n_curr def remove_head(self): '''(DoublyLinkedList) -> object Remove and return the first item in this DoublyLinkedList. ''' # get the head to be returned holder = self._head # remove the head from the rest of the list self._head = self._head.next_link # return the old head return holder def remove_tail(self): '''(DoublyLinkedList) -> object Remove and return the last item in this DoublyLinkedList. ''' # get the tail of the list holder = self._tail # remove the tail from the list self._tail = self._tail.prev_link # return the old tail return holder def remove_index(self, remove_index): '''(DoublyLinkedList, int) -> object Remove and return the item at index remove_index in this DoublyLinkedList. ''' # current location in the list curr = self._head # loop through the list to find the location for i in range(remove_index-1): curr = curr.next_link # node to be removed remove = curr.next_link # get the next node after the node to be removed n_curr = remove.next_link # point the node before the remove location to the node after the # remove location. Thus removing the wanted node curr.next_link = n_curr n_curr.prev_link = curr return remove