from graphics import * # you need to download and place it in the same folder as this code def HTree(n, size, x, y, win): ''' (int, float, float, float, GraphWin) -> NoneType draw an HTree the first int is the order of the H Tree, size is the size of the horizontal and vertical line of each H tree x, y are the cordinate of the middle of the horizontal line of the H ''' if (n > 0): x0 = x - size/2 x1 = x + size/2 y0 = y - size/2 y1 = y + size/2 line = Line(Point(x0, y), Point(x1, y)) line.setWidth(2) line.draw(win) line = Line(Point(x0, y0), Point(x0, y1)) line.setWidth(2) line.draw(win) line = Line(Point(x1, y0), Point(x1, y1)) line.setWidth(2) line.draw(win) HTree(n-1, size/2, x0, y0, win) HTree(n-1, size/2, x0, y1, win) HTree(n-1, size/2, x1, y0, win) HTree(n-1, size/2, x1, y1, win) if (__name__ == "__main__"): # title and dimensions win = GraphWin('HTree', 500, 500) # first parameter shows the order # if you want to see a clear HTree try the order of 1 - 6 # if you want to see how slow a recursive function can work, try it with order > 6 HTree(5, 200, win.getWidth()/2, win.getWidth()/2, win) message = Text(Point(win.getWidth()/2, 20), 'Click anywhere inside the window to quit.') message.draw(win) win.getMouse() win.close()