Objective: Learn importance of terminal and basic commands. What is the terminal? - interface where we can type and execute text based commands Why do we like the terminal? - lazy: can do most of the stuff from keyboard without using mouse - tighter controls: unix was built terminal up, commands can be piped - automation: using scripts What are flags in terminal commands? The name of the command can be thought of as a verb. Flags can be thought of as as adjective. Flags still keep the main function of the command but just adds more features to it. How to remote into linux lab computers? PuTTy can be used to remote into the linux lab computers from windows. More instructions can be found at this link: https://mathlab.utsc.utoronto.ca/courses/cscb09w18/remotelogin.html Additional Commands: - nano / pico → more text editors - rm -rf dir → (recursively and forcefully remove) removes files recursively and forcefully, used to delete directories - man command_name → (manual) to get more information about a command This is just an introduction, learn more about terminal in CSCB09.