Welcome to CSCA08
Tutorial 30: Wednesday, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, at IC326.
TA name: Prantar Bhowmik
I will update this website on a weekly basis. All code written in class will be made available here.
There may or may not be quiz held in the tutorial so please be on time.
You can attend any practical held by any CSCA08 TA. I'll be at:
Practical 002: Monday, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM, at BV471.
Email Policy
My email address is prantar.bhowmik@mail.utoronto.ca. I will be checking my email every night. But before you email me, consider attending a practical or post the question on Piazza as you will get a much faster response there.
If you email me, use your utoronto email, any other email address will go directly to spam.
Also, in the subject write "CSCA08" to increase my chances of responding.
I always like to know how you feel about my teaching style. Feel free to leave anonymous feedback here
Week 12: November 30, 2016
- Discussed importance of unit testing
Week 11: November 23, 2016
- Discussed UML diagrams
Week 10: November 16, 2016
Week 9: November 9, 2016
- Class
- Template on how to write descriptions in docstring
- Remember to write rest of the docstring. You don't have to follow the template exactly, treat it more like a guideline
Week 8: November 2, 2016
- Dictionary
- My code to explain what dictionaries are. This is bad code. Only wrote this for demo purposes
Week 7: October 26, 2016
Week 6: October 19, 2016
- Good/Bad Code
- Return Midterm
- IF there are any issues, write it in the front page of the exam and return back to TA
- IF test leaves room with you, mark is set
Week 5: October 5, 2016
- Memory Model -- Python Tutor
- Functions
- Design Recipe
- Boolean Logic
- Import:Example 1Example 2
- Debugger
Week 4: September 28, 2016
- Documenting
- Doctest
- PEP8
- Code written in class for documenting demo
Week 3: September 21, 2016
Week 2: September 14, 2016
- Difference between Python vs Wing
- Python version
- Difference between shell and writing file
- Code I wrote to determine if the version of python is acceptable: python-version